Fluid acrylic painting with resin coating on deep edged canvas (white edges).
Can be purchased through the shop.
Abstract Artist
It’s 1st March and finally the sun is shining, the daffodils are in bloom and there is light at the end of the miserable wet and windy winter!
Things are really busy in the studio. I only have room for 2 paintings to dry at once as they have to dry completely flat (spirit level flat or else the paint will shift!) so I am constantly checking if paintings are dry enough to move out the way of the drying floor so that I can start more. Some paintings don’t actually work as I would like so that is a few days wasted (or not really wasted as it is all experience learnt from!) when that happens.
After selling the work I had in Ferini gallery in Pakefield, I had a couple of other commissions to do and paintings to take up there, so they now have a few of mine in. It is a lovely space with a wide variety of beautiful art so if you are nearby go and have a look.
Another commission I have taken on is a larger wave painting. This brings issues in itself as you cannot let resin level on a canvas that is bigger than about 60x 60cm as it will just pool in the middle. So for larger paintings it is necessary to use a wooden block frame or something similar. These block frames do require sizing and sealing so that will be a bit of extra work on top before the painting is even started! I’m looking forward to doing that commission though and seeing how it comes out.
Exhibition invitations are still coming in and I am adding them to the events section of the website.
I’ve had a lot of interest in black/white/grey/silver colour schemes so have been doing some of those recently. This is a recent commission that just went to it’s new home.
If you are interested in a commission or exiting artwork then drop me a line via my contact page or else you can see prices here.
2020 has kicked off and I think it is good to start the new year by making a few changes and one of those is to start documenting what I am up to in a blog. I may not add things very often but who knows, it might be of interest to people to read what I am up to!
Things do generally quieten down a bit in the winter with the majority of events I take part in being in spring and summer. There have been a few things going on recently which means that things have not come to a complete stop. I have some paintings in an exhibition in Halesworth at the New Cut which ends next week – it’s a really nice display of work with some really big paintings there in the cafe which make me want to size things up a bit! I went to the opening event and bumped into a few fellow artists there which was nice.
I also have a painting up in an exhibition in Pakefield at Ferini Gallery as part of the Suffolk Open Studios winter exhibition which ends in a couple of weeks.
I was disappointed not to get anything accepted into the Colchester Art Society exhibition before Christmas with some feedback being that paint pouring is a bit common and it sells well online. I have to say I disagree with the latter point as the paintings with resin on look sooo much better in the flesh (I can never get photos to do the paintings justice) and also it was a bit frustrating as I have been developing this technique in various forms since around 2006 so feel like I am one of the old school in fluid acrylics!
I have had a few commissions ongoing too since late last year so have been working on getting those done. It’s quite difficult to do commissions in this medium as the paint often has ideas of its own and you can only guide it a certain amount and the rest is a little bit out of your control!
Talking of Suffolk Open Studios, as the website administrator I have had a fair bit of work to do on that as the application process is now open for artists to open their studios in June 2020. I have decided not to open my studio this year for various reasons (my studio is quite small so last year I shared with Emma Garnham which was great but she is having to move studio this year) so I am just going to be an associate member this year but it is a great way to network with other artists and hear about opportunities.
I’ve just had the forms through for the Needham Market exhibition which takes part at Easter so I will be taking part in that as that has often been a good venue for me, plus I must get some more greeting cards done for it.
As an artist, I often go through stages of what I want to paint and although I will still be doing more wave type paintings this year, I am also planning to go back to doing some abstract textured paintings. In addition to having some ideas on paintings in that style, I also have some canvases that I have used for fluid acrylic paintings that have not worked, that I need to restretch the canvas on, and those won’t be suitable for fluid paintings as the canvas won’t be taut enough, so I can use those for textured ones.
Last year I had more exhibitions than ever that I took part in and this year is likely to be no different so I’ll need to make sure I start painting soon as I still haven’t got as much stock as I would like since selling a large number of paintings at Art on the Prom last September.
60 x 60cm
Acrylic and Resin on Canvas
This 2009 painting is available from it’s original purchaser who no longer has space for it. Contact me below for details of the owner and I will pass on your information.
This 2009 painting is available from it’s original purchaser who no longer has space for it. Contact me below for details of the owner and I will pass on your information.
This 2009 painting is available from it’s original purchaser who no longer has space for it. Contact me below for details of the owner and I will pass on your information. Size = 60 x 60cm.
Below is a gallery of a lot of my current and past work. To view what artwork I have for sale please click on the ‘Available’ link in the menu. If you don’t find the artwork in that section then I am afraid it is already sold.
I have in the past worked with interior designers and art sourcing companies to provide artwork for residential and commercial projects.
These projects include apartments, villas and hotels as well as family homes. You can find out more information about these projects and view some pictures of the completed work here.
You can find out where I am in exhibiting in the exhibitions/events page here.
I generally take part in many local exhibitions in the Suffolk area over the year as well as travelling to Dubai usually once a year to take part in an event there. I also take part in other selected overseas events and exhibitions throughout the UK.
All of my paintings that I have up for sale are also uploaded to my facebook page at www.facebook.com/AzureArt and I also include selected paintings in my gallery at Saatchi Online.
If you are interested in attending any of the events that I take part in then please contact me if you want more info.
If you are looking for a local artist in the Ipswich/Suffolk to take part in an event or for exhibition space then you can contact me at Marian@AzureArt.com.
An acrylic painting with a heavily textured base, incorporating a slight twist on my usual style of bold and bright colours, using a more muted palette of soft pastels accentuated by lines and sides of wedgwood blue together with some black and white patterned squares and a dash of gold leaf.
Size 60 x 60cm
Price £150
Tiramisu jelly-o dessert. Unerdwear.com tart bonbon icing. Jelly candy jelly-o cotton candy powder cheesecake marshmallow. Macaroon marzipan chupa chups danish jelly beans. Sugar plum jelly beans tart cookie cupcake cupcake muffin. Candy canes gummi bears apple pie sweet roll lemon drops topping. Pastry pudding pie donut bonbon soufflé chocolate cake soufflé. Caramels sugar plum wafer wafer icing lollipop. Tootsie roll topping unerdwear.com. Lollipop topping jujubes marzipan icing. Dragée macaroon dragée dessert topping powder gingerbread unerdwear.com. Candy carrot cake gummi bears powder tart sweet roll.
Marzipan pie powder pie marzipan brownie chocolate bar dessert. Dragée gummies lemon drops marzipan lollipop carrot cake. Liquorice brownie lemon drops unerdwear.com macaroon bonbon oat cake caramels. Cake topping candy topping. Oat cake marzipan oat cake carrot cake jujubes chocolate bar. Chocolate dragée caramels lollipop. Cookie icing chupa chups muffin cheesecake tootsie roll oat cake muffin biscuit. Powder macaroon jelly beans unerdwear.com cotton candy toffee tootsie roll gummi bears bear claw. Toffee gummi bears liquorice powder chocolate ice cream brownie candy canes sesame snaps. Jelly beans caramels jelly-o bonbon biscuit tootsie roll. Lollipop gummies candy croissant. Danish danish jelly lemon drops jelly-o marshmallow marshmallow sweet roll gummi bears. Donut powder lemon drops tiramisu pudding. Marzipan fruitcake caramels candy canes sesame snaps carrot cake.
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